The World Health Organization has declared an international health emergency over the spread of the Zika virus, now known to cause devastating birth defects. The Zika virus has been linked microcephaly, unusually small heads and brain damage in newborns born to infected mothers. It has also been linked to blindness, deafness, seizures and other congenital defects and, in adults, a form of temporary paralysis, called Guillain-Barré syndrome.
The W.H.O. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised that pregnant women avoid all travel to more than 45 countries, mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the agencies expect that the virus will be present all the way from northern Argentina to the southern United States by the end of the year, potentially infecting millions of people.
International scientists are accelerating clinical trials on immunotherapies and antivirals for prevention, but currently, there is no know preventative drug measure for avoiding Zika virus. And, sadly, microcephaly is a lifelong condition and according to the CDC, there is no known cure or standard treatment for it.
Currently, the best way to protect your family from the Zika virus is to install screen doors and windows on your home, to avoid mosquitos from entering and putting your family at risk. Talk you your Luxury Screens representative today for your free quote and put your family’s safety first.
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